The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University (FPP Undip) held a technical guidance activity in collaboration with two government institutions, namely the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural Library and Literacy Center and the Klaten Regency Food and Agriculture Security Office.

The technical guidance carried out carries the theme of processing organic fertilizers made from cow dung. The choice of this topic is based on the fact that Jatinom District has a livestock population of more than 14 thousand head of cattle and various other livestock. The large number of livestock certainly produces a lot of manure. Unfortunately, the manure from these livestock cannot be put to good use by the people in Jatinom District. This waste must be utilized because it has the potential to become organic fertilizer that can fertilize plants.

Seeing this problem, the Agricultural Library and Literacy Center of the Ministry of Agriculture collaborated with FPP Undip to hold a training that began with a presentation on the processing of organic fertilizer made from cow dung delivered by Dr. Ir. Budi Adi Kristanto M. S. Another lecturer in the Agroecotechnology Study Program, namely Dr. Dian Safitri S.P., M.Sc. provide materials related to urethral pest management using environmentally friendly biological agent multiplication techniques. This material was chosen because of the urethral pest problem.

From the Agribusiness Study Program team namely Agus Setiadi, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., Agus Subhan Prasetyo, S.P., M.Sc., and Annisa Firdauzi S.P., M.P. assisting in compiling a roadmap of activities starting from the preparation of technical guidance so that farmer groups can sell their organic fertilizers independently. This effort was made so that Glagah Village, Jatinom District, Klaten Regency can be more independent and achieve sustainable livelihoods.